# Copyright (c) 2010 Marco Fontani # The author disclaims all copyrights and releases this document into the public domain. # vim: filetype=perl ## Install Devel::REPL and save this file as ~/.re.pl/repl.rc # Devel::REPL plugins $_REPL->load_plugin('LexEnv'); $_REPL->load_plugin('CompletionDriver::Methods'); $_REPL->load_plugin('CompletionDriver::Globals'); $_REPL->load_plugin('CompletionDriver::INC'); $_REPL->load_plugin('CompletionDriver::LexEnv'); $_REPL->load_plugin('MultiLine::PPI'); $_REPL->load_plugin('Colors'); $_REPL->load_plugin('Packages'); $_REPL->load_plugin('ReadLineHistory'); $_REPL->load_plugin('Timing'); $_REPL->load_plugin('FancyPrompt'); $_REPL->load_plugin('DDS'); # dump data via Data::Dumper::Streamer $_REPL->load_plugin('DumpHistory'); # use :dump to dump session to file $_REPL->load_plugin('Refresh'); # reload modules in @INC which may have changed package my::tests; # instead of the ugly default # load common modules use YAML; use JSON; use WWW::Mechanize; use LWP::Simple; use Data::Dumper; # poor man's say() sub say { print @_, "\n" } # pretty-print sub pp { say(Data::Dumper->Dump([@_])) } say "Loaded: YAML, JSON, WWW::Mechanize, LWP::Simple, etc."; say "Use tab to complete, pp() to pretty-print, :dump filename to dump history";